Saturday, June 18, 2011


A ferry.

Life and death.

A monastery.

A monk with a special gift.


Except by Ieronim, the ferryman.

Nikolay, the monk with a special talent for writing hymns of praise is dead.

Soon to be forgotten.

Never much appreciated.

Except by Ieronim the ferryman who keeps his tender songs alive in his heart.

Mood is central to this piece.

The stars. The river. The ferry. The darkness.




For a life gone.

For a talent lost.

For a dear friend.

For all of us.


  1. Hi, I just wanted to say thanks for writing this blog, I am really enjoying your posts! I, too, am reading my way through Chekhov's wonderful and various stories - and marveling at the genius that is Chekhov!
    I'm aiming to put together a unique piece for theatre at the end of it - wish me luck!

  2. Great! You have all the material you can ever imagine. I'm taking my time with Chekhov. Sometimes I get hungry and want to devour them rapidly but I found its best to chew them slowly and let them digest at their own pace.

    Let me know when you're done with your piece -- I'd be interested in checking it out.

    Read on!

  3. I will do. I've been taking my time also, read about a hundred in the last few months, and they are certainly still digesting. I want to choose ones that have themes still poignant today, which I am realising is pretty much all of them...

  4. It's very true. You can relate the stories to so many things -- the challenge is what to choose and what to leave out. I wrote a Chekhov based play when I started out. You can find it in this blog. It's called 13 Volumes.
