Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The Beauties

Contemplating beauty.

How does beauty affect us? Especially if we are a man too old or too young -- too ugly or too ordinary to get noticed -- when we come face to face with beauty that is undeniable -- we are moved by it -- but we also become sad -- knowing very well we'll never be able to possess it -- beauty makes us reflect on who we are -- brings us to the realization of what life is.

After all, we see this great beauty but we also realize that it will fade like everything else -- the great sadness of time and aging -- we have to live in the moment -- yet we know the moment is forever speeding to the next --

And yes beauty does inspire. Whether it's a beautiful sunset -- a beautiful painting or a beautiful face. Especially a young beautiful girl's face. There you can drown yourself in all that life has to offer -- it is like a magnet that draws everything to it -- you try to pull yourself away but you can't -- you want to fight the pull but you are too weak -- you fall prey to it and you are utterly happy and incredibly sad.

We are as Chekhov highlights in this story prisoners to great beauty -- it makes us all feel alive -- what else is there than those moments when you come into contact with this great beauty? -- whatever you imagine it to be -- you realize that this is nature at her best -- you want to cherish it -- dwell in it -- but you also know how rare that beauty is and that no matter what -- it is a fleeting moment in a life that is mostly harsh and mostly lacking of truly inspiring beauty.

To me, this story is sort of like a journal entry. A meditation of beauty. Not a plot driven -- character driven tale -- but just a thought -- a feeling -- but a great subject -- and it does make you empathize with the idea that life is cruel because it shows you great beauty in short bursts and makes you eventually come to the realization that all you can do is watch the wonder and smile. And then cry.

Then you can take a deep breath and smile again.

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