Friday, August 24, 2012


A Story Without An End

The human soul is a mystery.

If you think you can understand why people try to commit suicide, think again.

Tony Scott, the director of Top Gun recently jumped to his death from a bridge -- everyone is trying to find a motive -- but as this story points out:

"Man will never understand the psychological subleties of suicide!"

And not just suicide -- but all of our actions can't be entirely explained. Like Vassilyev -- we are all posers --- revealing a bit here and there -- but ultimately what goes on inside like the vastness all around us -- remains a mystery even to ourselves. 

Just like time and our thoughts -- all is transitory -- why we do something this minute will be different from the way we react two minutes from now -- maybe you are drinking coffee and reading this and it's making sense or maybe your coffee is a little bitter and nothing you are reading here makes any sense -- is it the coffee? -- the writing? -- or the mosquito buzzing around you? -- or the heat? or the cold? or the noise coming from the radio blasting from upstairs?

Ultimately everything is an adventure -- we don't know what tomorrow holds in the world out there or inside our minds. Our life is a story without an end -- until it ends.

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